The expressive bouquet of Xynisteri brings forward aromas of citrus and white flower buds. The body of this wine is full and satisfying, its mineral content giving Xynisteri its unique character.
Category | White Dry |
Grape Varieties | Xynisteri |
Vineyards | Farmakas, Odou, Kampi and Lazanias. |
Age of vines (average) | > 100 years |
Yields | 350kg/ha |
Harvest | End of September – MId October |
Wine specs
Tasting notes
Wine specs
Vinification - Maturation
Prefermentative cold maceration for 6-8 hours. Fermentation in stainless steel vats at 15°C. Ageing on fine lees for a period of 2-3 months (Battonage).
Wine specs